by NECF Malaysia 40-Day Fast & Prayer
Many teachers have been of great influence to many successful citizens of the nation. At the inaugural gathering of Mission Schools Organisation held last year, Prime Minister Dato' Seri Najib Abdul Razak paid tribute to his teachers during his days at St John's Institute. We too may have our own stories of our favourite teachers and how they have played an influential role in our lives. Teachers are supposed to be role models and exemplary citizens. They stand to make or break a student's future and by their sacrifices, they contribute to moral citizenry. If this profession is of critical importance, why are there less and less Christian teachers today? Consider the following statistics based on a 2005 survey conducted by the Teachers' Christian Fellowship:
* There are approximately 836 Christian teachers of different age groups. Of this figure, 5% are below the age of 30.
* The largest number total around 42%. They are between ages 50 and 59. This means that in a couple of years when these teachers retire or leave the service, there will be very few Christian teachers around!
These are alarming figures and the implication is clear. At this rate, unless more Christian students enrol to become teachers within our national school system, we will have no more Christian schoolteachers within the next 10 years. Can we, the Christian community, afford this?
Reflection: Prov 22:6. Thank the Lord for teachers. Desperately beseech the Lord to move our young generation to respond to the teaching vocation. Breakthrough in parents' hearts to release their children to serve His call as teachers.
Prayer Points
■ Pray for Christian teachers and students that their eyes will be opened to their role and calling and to be His witness in the midst of darkness. Powerful move of God in our schools and campuses. Christians would be God's agent of spiritual and moral change.
■ More Christian school principals to be raised up to be in position to bring transformation in schools. Pray for strong Christian Fellowships to be established in every school.
■ Wisdom for Minister of Youth and Sports to spearhead government programs for young generations that will instill godly values and raise godly leaders and a productive generation.
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